Explaination by Sjors Proovost, too many sigops for a block due to counterparty txs
Detailed writeup:
First invalid block found on 2023/04/01
Second invalid block found on 2023/04/06
Credit: Sjors Provoost, BitMEX Research, 0xB10C
Verichains announced today that it discovered critical Key Extraction Attacks in many popular Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS) implementations, a Multi-Party Computing (MPC) protocol.
Vuln discussed @ Socratic Seminar 26
Both attacks lead to a complete secret key extraction by exploiting different parts of the Multiplicative-to-Additive (MtA) sub-protocol the parties run during signing.
Binance Threshold Signature Scheme Impl
Its under the bnb-chain library, but is it used for binance’s cold storage for bitcoin, ether, etc ?
Previous vuln in a TSS implementation disclosed by Verichains
As a result, a single malicious party can recover the TSS private key of a TSS group, reducing a t/n threshold scheme to 1/n. The attacker only needs to participate in 1 signing ceremony to do so.
Credit: Verichains, Dmytro Tymokhanov and Omer Shlomovits
Credit: Bastien Teinturier
Credit: George Kadianakis, Mike Perry, David Goulet, tevador
Facing persistent DoS attacks, Tor developers designed a proof of work scheme. Services broadcast PoW parameters in the service descriptor. Clients submit work to get into a priority queue to complete introductions.
Credit: mikeinspace
There is another design for NFTs on Bitcoin. This design introduces a large number of UTXOs for each NFT. The only bound on the number of UTXOs created in a bitcoin block is derived from the block size itself. Let’s discuss the implications of soft forking in a bound on the amount a block can increase the UTXO set.